What is the difference between Realignment Therapy and other therapies?

Realignment Therapy FAQs

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Theodore Roosevelt

All therapeutic systems have been created by (usually) charismatic and inspirational teachers, mainly through spiritual inner guidance and hard work. Most systems are like the rays of a sun that are all connected with the main source of light. This shows that comparison between the systems is unnecessary. They are all part of the one. The only reason I state the differences between Realignment Therapy and other techniques is just for the sake of our mind and to understand the stages of our evolution!

Like art, therapy is constantly evolving. Every system that is born is created according to the needs of each era. This is why direct comparison may be inappropriate, as the needs are completely different in each era, even though we have some basic foundations that we can refer to. Without those solid roots of ancient wisdom we wouldn’t be able to build something new and evolve gradually.

  • Realignment Therapy and conventional Psychotherapy.
    • coming soon…
  • Realignment Therapy and other energy healing approaches, like Reiki, etc.
    • coming soon…
  • Realignment Therapy and Mindfulness.
    • coming soon…
  • Realignment Therapy and Regression therapy.
    • coming soon…
  • Realignment Therapy and Accompaniment of Somatic-Psycho education (fascia therapy).
    • coming soon…