Realignment Therapy
A Unique Therapy to help you get your Power Back
Realignment Therapy uniquely combines the best techniques of hypnotherapy, regression therapy, energy healing and accompaniment of somatic-psycho education, to produce a truly powerful therapy that brings healing to the mind, body and soul.
Most of us now know that as well as our physical body, we have emotional, mental and spiritual aspects to our self. To understand and treat the root causes of illness, emotional disturbance or spiritual unease, we need access to our psyche, our subconscious and true self so we can work on our entire system and rebalance ourselves.
My experience in treating a significant number of clients over the years as a certified Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist and Reiki Master with the Accompaniment of Somatic-Psycho education has led me to believe that for effective healing, these techniques should be brought together in a way that has never been used before.
This powerful combination enables me to work with clients on all the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of their being so they can restore or achieve health, happiness and their full potential in life.
In this way, all aspects of the ‘self’ become ‘realigned’ – hence the name of this therapy.
Realignment Therapy is a result of my own personal journey, as I was eager to find an approach that would make sense and that would be able to provide the understanding we need in order to be set free from often self-imposed obstacles that hold us back.
Your voyage of self-discovery may have its challenges… but through Realignment Therapy and Glow Within, I will support you so you can gain the confidence and knowledge you need to take your power back, make the changes you want in your life and achieve your full potential.
“If we wait until we are ready, we will be waiting for the rest of our lives.”
Lemony Snicket
“When you are on a journey, it is certainly helpful to know where you are going – but remember:
the only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment.
That is all there ever is.”
Tiddy Rowan, The Little Book of Meditation
Spiritual Awakening – Spiritual Emergency – Life Purpose
The Earth itself is going through a shift, which is the earth’s own spiritual awakening. This means that the environment that we were in is starting to change and we are all part of this! After the storm a beautiful rainbow always appears in the sky and we are about to see it.
‘Spiritual Awakening’ can be a very smooth and gradual process. It may come as an experience when we come face to face with our ‘issues’ or shadows and learn to manage different aspects of our Self. However it can sometimes be instant, giving rise to a ‘Spiritual Emergency’, which, without proper care, may be very detrimental to our mental health. For these reasons, some people need to be guided gently through this uniquely individual awakening process.
Once our soul awakens, the search begins and we can never go back.
The characteristics of a Spiritual Awakening can vary but may include:
It is important for us to become aware of our Awakening as the understanding will bring instant realisations of what we need to let go of in order to become our true self and to find our life purpose. Going through my Spiritual Emergency, I found out that we have more powers than we can ever imagine, since all my senses were fully awakened. This made me the person I am today and I can enjoy my life with joy, positivity and laughter. Guiding people through their awakening I have found similar characteristics and events.
The characteristics of Spiritual Emergency:
In the Western world, non-ordinary states of consciousness are seen and treated mainly as psychosis, when they are really crises of transformation. On some occasions, clients take medication prescribed by their psychiatrist.
I work with people who take medication and our goal is to reduce them carefully and gradually as their physical body and mind reclaim their balance within their psyche.
How a spiritual emergency will be treated depends on the individual, its intensity and its duration. However more frequent therapy sessions during this period are strongly suggested.
Realignment Therapy specialises in accompanying the individual through their Spiritual Awakening and Spiritual Emergency journey. Being in a safe environment where you can be guided to feel what is real and what isn’t, to nurture your physical body and to be encouraged to do simple grounding practices is what someone would need to get through that state. With guidance, you will find that in every single obstacle there is a great opportunity to grow and to empower yourself.