Realignment Therapy

A Unique Therapy to help you get your Power Back

Realignment Therapy uniquely combines the best techniques of hypnotherapy, regression therapy, energy healing and accompaniment of somatic-psycho education, to produce a truly powerful therapy that brings healing to the mind, body and soul.

Most of us now know that as well as our physical body, we have emotional, mental and spiritual aspects to our self. To understand and treat the root causes of illness, emotional disturbance or spiritual unease, we need access to our psyche, our subconscious and true self so we can work on our entire system and rebalance ourselves.

My experience in treating a significant number of clients over the years as a certified Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist and Reiki Master with the Accompaniment of Somatic-Psycho education has led me to believe that for effective healing, these techniques should be brought together in a way that has never been used before.

This powerful combination enables me to work with clients on all the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of their being so they can restore or achieve health, happiness and their full potential in life.

In this way, all aspects of the ‘self’ become ‘realigned’ – hence the name of this therapy.

Realignment Therapy is a result of my own personal journey, as I was eager to find an approach that would make sense and that would be able to provide the understanding we need in order to be set free from often self-imposed obstacles that hold us back.

Your voyage of self-discovery may have its challenges… but through Realignment Therapy and Glow Within, I will support you so you can gain the confidence and knowledge you need to take your power back, make the changes you want in your life and achieve your full potential.

“If we wait until we are ready, we will be waiting for the rest of our lives.”
Lemony Snicket

Spiritual Awakening - Life Purpose

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” Cynthia Occelli

The Earth itself is going through a shift, which is the earth’s own spiritual awakening. This means that the environment that we were in is starting to change and we are all part of this! After the storm a beautiful rainbow always appears in the sky and we are about to see it.

‘Spiritual Awakening’ can be a very smooth and gradual process. It may come as an experience when we come face to face with our ‘issues’ or shadows and learn to manage different aspects of our Self.  However it can sometimes be instant, giving rise to a ‘Spiritual Emergency’, which, without proper care, may be very detrimental to our mental health. For these reasons, some people need to be guided gently through this uniquely individual awakening process.

Once our soul awakens, the search begins and we can never go back.

The characteristics of a Spiritual Awakening can vary but may include:

  • All people subconsciously on a soul level have chosen the time of their awakening (gradual or intense) and feel drawn to go through those experiences when their soul is ready to grow:
    • Spiritual practices
    • Loss of a loved one, bereavement
    • Intense life events like abuse
    • Travel
    • First love
    • Drugs
  • We experience intense emotions like sadness or fear and a sensation of being lost.
  • We seek our freedom and inner peace, by challenging our reality, belief systems, thought patterns and what is perceived as the ‘norm’.
  • We spend more time with our self and have inner conversations while we are drawn to spend time in tranquil places like in nature.
  • We want to change our life by having more quality in our work, in the people around us and through our nutrition – to nurture our body and life with love and respect.
  • We are drawn to gain knowledge for our personal development.
  • We experience synchronicity (meaningful coincidences) and the sensation of oneness.

It is important for us to become aware of our Awakening as the understanding will bring instant realisations of what we need to let go of in order to become our true self and to find our life purpose. Going through my Spiritual Emergency, I found out that we have more powers than we can ever imagine, since all my senses were fully awakened. This made me the person I am today and I can enjoy my life with joy, positivity and laughter. Guiding people through their awakening I have found similar characteristics and events.

The characteristics of Spiritual Emergency:

In the Western world, non-ordinary states of consciousness are seen and treated mainly as psychosis, when they are really crises of transformation. On some occasions, clients take medication prescribed by their psychiatrist.

  • Our rational mind cannot cope with the new reality and we experience a break down, which is perceived as psychosis.
  • We cannot cope at an everyday level as our inner world has taken over and complicates the outer world.
  • The intensity of the experience and those powerful emotions can consume our whole being.
  • We may have physical pains and sensations and find it impossible to sleep.
  • There is a sensation of inner death as everything is changing, which is our ‘ego – death’.
  • We might have an ‘ego – inflation’ and think that we might be the reincarnation of Jesus or Mary (or another Ascended Teacher).
  • We understand the meaning of symbolisms, for example good and evil etc.
  • Synchronicity (meaningful coincidence) is frequent as we are in the state where we attract what we need quicker than usual.
  • We might begin to see in our mind memories of past lives and begin to become aware of spirits and energies.
  • We experience strong energies flowing in our body as our own life force is awakened (like Kundalini) or incoming spiritual energies that are raising our vibration.

I work with people who take medication and our goal is to reduce them carefully and gradually as their physical body and mind reclaim their balance within their psyche.

How a spiritual emergency will be treated depends on the individual, its intensity and its duration. However more frequent therapy sessions during this period are strongly suggested.

“The degree, to which your Consciousness expands, is the degree to which you understand yourself and the Universe.” Gina Charles

Realignment Therapy specialises in accompanying the individual through their Spiritual Awakening and Spiritual Emergency journey. Being in a safe environment where you can be guided to feel what is real and what isn’t, to nurture your physical body and to be encouraged to do simple grounding practices is what someone would need to get through that state. With guidance, you will find that in every single obstacle there is a great opportunity to grow and to empower yourself.


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Msc Psychotherapist
Athens, Greece

“Maria’s treatments and techniques provide a unique, life changing experience! She has a way to give advice and really helpful guidance without losing her inspiring energy. She can deal with the most “serious” issues of her clients with a vivid joy, keeping the smile on her face! When she “works” with you, you always have a feeling that you are in the right hands, a warm feeling of trust! Maria’s treatments are really effective and the results are so impressive simply because she loves what she is doing and she is doing it with all her heart! I strongly recommend her as a therapist!”

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New York, USA

“Maria is a very intuitive and caring therapist. Her lovely mixture of light and fun mixed with her therapy work is refreshing and reassuring. What stands out for me the most is her highly refined intuition which is profoundly powerful when mixed with her transformational work. Thank you so much for the wonderful work and I look forward to working with you again in the future.”

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Hon Psychology
London, UK

“Every session with Maria is an absolute treat. Her voice flows like music and I find the sound of it healing in itself. Her gentle disposition melts all my defences away and helps me get to the roots of the issue each time. I want to thank her for all her help and kindness!”

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Rome, Italy

“It is the first time I will speak about my experience with Maria! A really unique experience for me, I had not worked with meditation before. It was a really special moment both the meditations with her, and the aftermath. Maria has a unique way of seeing things and if one is open to her call, she will fill you with everything you need and will help you realise what is around you.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet you and get some of your energy!”

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Hatfield, UK

“I met Maria at a personal development course. The minute she entered the room… everything lighted up. I’ve been working with her for a long time and every session is unique. The way she empowers one’s journey has no equal. She enables you to embark onto a journey of awareness and for you to understand who you are and reconnect to your core. Maria has given me the support and held me in the safest space in order to see myself for who I truly am. I have reached milestones in my lif where things got intense but her skills and understanding have boosted my confidence and my transformation has been miraculous. To me, she is the most amazing human being walking on this Earth.”

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Customer Care Operative
London, UK

“I started working with Maria in a time when I felt I’m like a 1000-piece puzzle scattered all over the place, confused, anxious and hurt. Thanks to Maria I’m now able to put the pieces together, to rediscover myself, to heal physically and spiritually. What I really like about Maria is that she is very professional, a very good listener, very calm, patient and really present giving me her full attention and time when I need it.

She makes me value myself and thanks to her and the work we are doing I have a better life quality and better family life. My life has definitely changed in a very positive way since I have met her, I feel more content, acceptant of certain situations and I feel I have more control over myself.”

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United Kingdom

“Maria is a wonderful and genuine lady; her knowledge and insight is just outstanding.  The sessions with her are never rushed, they are thorough and she explains things clearly. Her practice meditation exercises are all personalised to your needs. After listening to the practice that she gave me, I started to feel more connected with myself and let go of the insecurities I felt.  I learnt how to ground myself, taking control of my energy and blocking any unnecessary energy from others that was not useful or beneficial to me. Maria also gave me a lot of comfort following the passing of my mother.  She helped me to understand the journey the soul makes which helped me ease my pain of loss.  I would totally recommend Maria. “

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Massage therapist
Hatfield, UK

“My sessions with Maria Maraveli came at a fairly critical point for me and I am happy to say they have been incredibly helpful. I have been working with Maria during the past 3 years. She has helped me deal with my problems that I had in the past in a professional way, and she guided my through an excellent therapy/treatment plan which has worked very well for me towards my recovery.
I am extremely satisfied by Maria’s professionalism and approach. I would strongly recommend her as she has helped me enormously.
She is an incredibly open minded, understanding and empathetic person who made me feel that I could talk about anything.
She really helped me to see things as they actually are and not as I thought they were.
I will be forever grateful. My words are not enough to show you how much Maria has helped me out.”

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Realignment Therapy FAQs

How many sessions will I need?

After the initial consultation you will be given clear guidance of how many sessions are needed to complete the Realignment or the Glow Within Journey.I am always give options so that you can feel empowered to choose what feels best for…
Realignment Therapy FAQs

What happens in a Realignment session?

“In order to change our environment, we need to change from within as our inner world is an expansion in the outer world.”M. M. Before the initial session, I will ask you to complete a confidential questionnaire and return this to me…
The Basic Chakras

Our Energy System

"If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Albert Einstein A human being is more than just a physical body. The human body is alive and functions thanks to energy. The Human Energy Field is a matrix of subtle…
Realignment Therapy FAQs

What conditions can Realignment Therapy help with?

Realignment Therapy works on the physical, mental and emotional level to bring about major transformational change within ourselves. I work with a wide range of different needs and challenges.

“When you are on a journey, it is certainly helpful to know where you are going – but remember:

the only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment.

That is all there ever is.”

Tiddy Rowan, The Little Book of Meditation