Realignment Therapy FAQs

After the initial consultation you will be given clear guidance of how many sessions are needed to complete the Realignment or the Glow Within Journey.

I am always give options so that you can feel empowered to choose what feels best for You in the Now. I work mainly in cycles of three sessions (without the initial consultation) as this gives you the time and the opportunity to address everything that is needed.

However if we are working on Chronic Pain management or Spiritual Awakening/ Spiritual Emergency, more frequent sessions are needed.

Alongside your treatment, the training you will be given provides you with the tools to be able to become empowered and independent.

Realignment Therapy FAQs

No. It is safe to have Realignment Therapy while on medication. I believe in a balance between Western medicine and alternative approaches. If you are taking medication it is advisable for you to continue taking it until your doctor decides to alter your dose or cancel the prescription.

Realignment Therapy FAQs

Yes. Realignment Therapy is not contra-indicated with any other treatments. It is a gentle educational treatment and complements other therapies very well. However, if you are having other treatments, you should probably choose not to have Realignment Therapy on the same day as you may wish to observe the benefits separately from any other treatments you may be having.

Realignment Therapy FAQs

Our memory is ‘stored’ in three levels: the physical, mental and emotional level. The purpose of your therapy is to discover the root cause of your issues which might bring a release in all those levels.  As part of the journey towards healing, traumatic events may need to be addressed under a safe nurturing environment. Revisiting traumatic events is usually done speedily to minimize any negative impact on the patient. “Detachment” techniques are used to allow the events to be visited in a gentle way and the touch on your physical body brings you back in the ‘Now’, which helps to minimise any emotional and physical impact.

Realignment Therapy FAQs

For some clients, according to their beliefs, past lives have a reality for them. Others may view what emerges under hypnosis as our mind creating stories or images in order for us to understand our emotional state. This means that when someone perceives something as being real the body and the mind react accordingly. So whether the memory that arises is real or imaginary is not that important. The ultimate objective is the positive and beneficial changes and healing for the client. Nevertheless, patients are sometimes surprised how the issues they are addressing are so directly related to the past lives that emerge under hypnosis.

Realignment Therapy FAQs

Realignment Therapy can be used to treat many symptoms especially those linked with stress, as during the treatment we are mentally and physically relaxed. Realignment Therapy works directly with the autonomic nervous system which controls many of our bodily functions and the fascia. This means that it can help also with pain management. Bringing simple relaxation to our body can benefit both the mind and the body.

Sometimes you don’t realize the weight of something you’ve been carrying until you feel the weight of its release.

Realignment Therapy FAQs

Of course! It is an invaluable tool that you can use for life. You will always be given the skills to maintain and continue the work in your own space and time which will speed up your treatments significantly.

The technique is simple and it depends entirely on the person and how committed they are, to bring relaxation and focus where it is needed.

Realignment Therapy FAQs

No, there is no loss of control. Hypnosis helps clients to become more focused in using their own mental abilities constructively. In this way, they can achieve anything they would like as long as they build the right motivation for it.

The subconscious has strong protection and at any time a client can re-alert or choose to ignore suggestions. No one stays hypnotized indefinitely – they will always “come out” of trance within a short time, like waking up from a very relaxing nap. If you are concerned about hypnosis you have seen on TV where people appear to do silly things or things they would not normally do, please bear in mind that your therapist is an experienced registered therapist whose sole motivation is to provide treatment and healing.

Realignment Therapy FAQs

The word hypnosis comes from the ancient Greek word ‘hypnos’ meaning sleep, but this is a misconception. Hypnosis is NOT sleep. It is a relaxed state with heightened awareness. Even if the person falls asleep during a session, the subconscious listens and is alert. They will return to normal consciousness when asked to, or simply awaken after a short nap. They will feel refreshed, relaxed and have no side effects at all.

In practice, people who are hypnotised often talk with the hypnotherapist and can both answer and ask questions, hear everything that is said very clearly, and are perfectly well aware. However, they may answer questions quickly and intuitively from their unconscious rather than their rational mind. This may help them get to the root causes of their issue more easily.

After the session it is likely for the person to remember what it has been said. However, like anything they hear or learn, they will retain the information that is necessary for them in the present moment. Sessions are usually recorded anyway, so a full record of the session can be provided, if necessary.

Realignment Therapy FAQs

Yes, anyone can be hypnotized as long as they give permission for this to happen gradually. Some people find it easier to relax than others. Some people are able to go into a trance state more quickly and more deeply than others. About 85% of people can go into at least a light trance, which is enough for them to benefit from Realignment Therapy.