What conditions can Realignment Therapy help with?
Realignment Therapy works on the physical, mental and emotional level to bring about major transformational change within ourselves.
I work with a wide range of clients that come to me with many different needs or challenges.
- Need for direction
- Repetitive patterns – understanding the lesson around the them
- Discovery of life purpose
- Spiritual development and awakening – Spiritual Emergency
- Energy management, lack of energy
- Stress management, panic attacks, inability to relax
- Low confidence and self-esteem
- Procrastination
- Fears & phobias
- Public speaking, presentation skills.
- Improve work and sporting performance
- Exam performance
- Weight management, healthy eating patterns
- Skin problems
- Cancer
- Pain Management (chronic headaches, minor surgery, arthritic pains, aches and pains)
- physical healing – discovering root causes of illness
- Sleep problems (Insomnia) & disturbing dreams
- Teeth grinding
- Addictions, compulsions and obsessions OCD’s
- Inhibitions
- Bereavement
- Emotional problems, Romantic relationships – couples healing, discovering soul connections
- Fertility
- Pregnant women connecting with the baby